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You started out brilliantly and presented an innovative and systemic solution to a very complex social problem. Winning awards and gaining recognition got you to whole new level. Suddenly, you find yourself struggling to keep up with the changes that a growing social organization goes through and you lose touch with your main mission. New fads and buzzwords come up and new organizations are in the limelight, what was innovative ten years ago is no longer innovative today, what stakeholders needed back then is not what they need right now. You’re probably asking yourself what’s next? where would your organization go in such an uncertain future?


Sometimes we think that with experience we no longer need help, on the contrary, quality help is more relevant today than it was yesterday. Mistakes cost you more when your organization is established and recognized. 

When you ask for help experts come in with very sophisticated methodologies that only they can apply, you and your team are not part of the solution and can never apply the same methodology again on your own. 


I use an approach concerned first and foremost with people. Together we will answer questions around design, planning, strategy, evaluation, but most of all your team will be closely involved in the process and will take ownership of the work after we are done. Our working sessions will feel like a pleasant conversation or a game.  The process is full of interesting reflections, and some uncomfortable realizations, but ultimately the learning we generate stays. The working sessions and workshops are designed so carefully so that the most difficult questions are answered in the most interactive and fun way but with the proper methodological backing. I have received praise for simplifying complex concepts numerous times, in different settings and in different languages and at least in 15 different countries.


After we work together you and your team will have the tools you need and you will be able to use those tools we have created on your own. Once you have the tools you will be closer to your objectives -impact assessment, scaling up, strategic planning, needs assessment, financial sustainability, you name it. Your team will also be more independent and you will not burn out the process. Stopping to think now will save you more time and funds in the future.





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