Access to Basic Rights and Services
In education, I worked with grassroots organizations and donors to assess the relevance of their programs and to design more relevant support.
I‘ve supported organizations using art for education, promoting continuing education for girls in rural areas and working with at risk young women for their reinsertion into the educational system.
I’ve also supported a leading community education model to scale up at a national level and worked with educational organizations to diversify their funding and design income generation activities to ensure their sustainability.
Humanitarian Assistance
Throughout my career, I’ve supported organizations working in migration at different levels. This ranged from evaluating services provided for refugees during their asylum process (with a focus on unaccompanied minor migrants) to helping organizations working in advocacy to develop their theories of change and outcome maps and to set monitoring and results indicators.
I’ve worked with international organizations to design cash for work programs, water, hygiene and sanitation programs and the rehabilitation of educational facilities in countries suffering humanitarian crises.

Civic Engagement
I’ve facilitated the co-design of a collective impact model for civic engagement and advocacy in the Sierra Mixteca in Mexico and conducted a baseline study on the state of civic engagement.
I’ve also helped organizations working on inclusion, migration and maternal health to develop their advocacy strategies.
I’ve designed and implemented an urban spaces and sustainable mobility campaign and raised funds for the volunteer-led initiative.
I’ve conducted ESIAs (environmental and social impact assessments) for energy sector companies in compliance with Mexican regulations and in alignment with Equator Principles and the International Finance Corporation Standards.
On top of that, I’ve worked closely with social businesses working on conservation and sustainable fishing in the Bahía Magdalena area (Baja California, Mexico).